Wednesday, November 9

I know they say that every pregnancy is different, but I didn't know it would be this different. I used to think that pregnancy cravings were something that men made up to be drama queens. Well, I can speak from experience now that is DEFINITELY not true, at least not for this chick. I've pretty much eaten anything and everything that I can get my hands on. And my favorite? Anything rediculously spicy. In fact, the hotter the better. I love anything salty, too. Well, then again, I have become addicted to sweets (okay, not literally, but they call my name from the baked goods isle). Let's just say I don't encounter much that doesn't sound good most days. Except steak. My beloved steak and I have now become sworn enemies. With my first pregnancy it was chicken. Ah well, it's every meat for themselves. 

One of my lowest moments thus far has got to be devouring an entire jar of dill relish. Gabe walked in the door and I hung my head in shame and confessed "I'm so gross" like I had, I don't know, just licked the garbage can or something. He laughed when I held up the empty jar. Now, I don't completely recall, but I'm pretty sure that at this point I started crying at him laughing at me. It's called pregnancy hormones, people. I didn't invent them.  I'm just a victim of them.


  1. Congratulations!!! I didn't know you were pregnant again! Yay!! Oh and I LOVE your blog :)

  2. Hey lady!!! Yeah, I'm not sure what's up. Something happened to my FB and it deleted a bunch of peeps! I just sent you another friend's request! YAY! We are expecting again!! It was planned this time to ('cause that's just how I roll! Hahahahaha). We can't wait. A LITTLE part of me is wishing for a girl this time around but we'll see!!!!! Love seeing all the pics of your new home!! So exciting!
